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Browsing Category Authors
Who is Adam Norty?
Adam Norty is…well…he’s quite norty. In a recent post, I told you that I had almost cheated on you, and that I’d almost decided to publish The Hole in the Door under that pen name….
Are All Reviews Fake?
Reviews are big business and fake ones are easily bought. Watch out, that fry pan may not be genuinely ‘amazing’.
Why You Shouldn’t Write a Book
Why You Shouldn’t Write a Book Why you shouldn’t write a book is because it won’t sell. Not unless you’re already really famous and one of the Kardashians. In fact, if you’re related to one…
Why its Ok Being Weird and Other Terrible Advice
Why its Ok Being Weird and Other Terrible Advice Should I Conform to the Sheeple? I’m going to tell you a little secret. STOP BEING BORING and trying to be like everyone else. It’s not…
Chasing Butterflies
Chasing Butterflies Like a curious child full of hope and desire, I’m chasing butterflies. I’ve thought about it so much that I feel that I’ve spent my entire life obsessing over it. I’ve had it,…
What is a Digital Nomad
What is a Digital Nomad And how to find them… What is a digital nomad? It’s people like me who work online and digitally and quite often don’t have offices. That doesn’t mean we’re homeless…
Writing about Sex Rape and Drugs
Writing about Sex Rape and Drugs Imagine that YOU are my next book I’m a perverted, disgusting, filthy-minded man who writes about topics which nearly always feature sex rape and drugs. But not just normal,…
Being Original When Being Genuine is Better
Being Original Can’t be original? Be genuine instead. Being original is almost…dare I say it, impossible. It’s all been done before. The art of originality has been lost, convoluted, diluted, shaken and stirred – then…
Must Read and Best Books for 2017
Best Books Where are those hidden gems? My best books. Nothing beats curling up with a hot drink (or a strong vino) in your favorite reading spot, reading the best books. A book will take…
Remaining Positive in Difficult Times
Remaining Positive in Difficult Times And avoiding the shitstorm that life often throws at us Lesson number 1, don’t talk politics with others, even friends and family. We all have an opinion and are entitled…
Reviews and How to Get FREE Stuff
Reviews The New Customer Service Satisfaction Proof and How to get Free Stuff Once upon a time, before the intenet, businesses received letters from satisfied customers letting them know that their product or service was…
Books About Life Lessons
Books About Life Lessons The Tough Stuff That’s Hard to Read If you’d asked me a year ago whether I’d be writing full-time on books about life lessons, I would have laughed. Then life got…
The Peace Ambassador
The Peace Ambassador A Story About Resolving Terrorism I had a dream…and throughout the night, I kept coming back to a story I created that was so real to me, that I woke up in…
Top Steps to a Better Website
Top Steps to a Better Website Trying to work out why you aren’t appearing in Google results? Here’s some quick and easy tips on how to enhance performance, which will ultimately help you get closer…
A Successful Author Spotlight on Reddit
A Successful Author Spotlight on Reddit WOW! What a night that was and so much fun too. 2,000 upvotes and over 350 comments and I thought I was going to get ignored on my very…
Ending with a Preposition
Ending with a Preposition Eat My Prepositions Bitch You’ve been lied to. Yes, ending with a preposition is perfectly acceptable and in fact, encouraged in fictional writing. Often, when writing a story, unless you do…
Trolls on Forums
Trolls on Forums It is so easy to tell someone that they are a piece of shit human being when you are hiding your own ugly, puss-filled face behind a keyboard. You’re completely anonymous –…
How to Write Your First Book
How to Write Your First Book And get it to sell When you were a kid, you learned to walk, you fell out of tree houses – scraped your knee, maybe even broke a limb…
An Inspiring Commercial Photographer
An Inspiring Commercial Photographer Now and again, someone comes along that just makes you proud. I’m not one to brag, but I have met a few famous people, millionaires, top thought-leaders in their fields and…
Amazon Will Stop Free Books
Amazon Will Stop Free Books The latest rumour to come from Amazon is that Amazon will stop free books from going anywhere. And with good reason. Free books don’t make money for anyone and Amazon…
Free Books Really
Free Books Really? WHY? Why would anyone spend months writing a book, researching a story, paying hundreds – editing costs around US$1,000 for a standard sized book, cover design – a couple hundred, reviewing it,…
Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings
Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings People Looking for my Book Monique – Meanwhile I’m Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings The following is a piss-take /humorous take on the obsession of Amazon rankings. It is not designed to…
The Age of Entitlement
The Age of Entitlement Make no mistake, the Age of Entitlement is definitely nigh. Don’t look at under 30 somethings and blame them. We are all to blame. It’s us. We are the Age of…
Why I Fucking Hate Facebook
Why I Fucking Hate Facebook Those dipshits at Facebook annoy the crap out of me. In fact, if I didn’t absolutely have to have a Facebook account, I wouldn’t. Can you tell I’m not a…
Authors Getting Bad Reviews on Amazon
Authors Getting Bad Reviews on Amazon OH MY GOD! The unthinkable happened. I got a 3 star review for my recently released book ‘Monique’ and I was devastated. Monique came out early January on Amazon…
Where Do I Advertise My Book?
Where Do I Advertise My Book? I’ve written the next top seller, great. Now what? It’s sitting on that shelf on Amazon, watching tumbleweeds blow past. But Where Do I Advertise My Book? After almost…