That is the Answer Imagine that life is a sliding scale of feminine to masculine and that there is no right or wrong. You don’t have to be any one thing and you can choose…
Browsing Category Travel Blogs
Travel Blogs are my sub-category for travel related adventures which I’m going on about.
What to do if your phone is stolen
What to do if your phone is stolen Don’t panic, they don’t want your data I wish I’d read useful ‘what to do if your phone is stolen’ advice over two weeks ago. I’d left…
We All Get The Holiday Blues
Holiday Blues The minute you arrive at home – after a trip away, the holiday blues set in. I’ve just returned from a two week trip to Italy, where I caught up with family and…
What is a Digital Nomad
What is a Digital Nomad And how to find them… What is a digital nomad? It’s people like me who work online and digitally and quite often don’t have offices. That doesn’t mean we’re homeless…
Visit Your Home Town
Visit Your Home Town When Memories Are Better Than The Visit We grow as people; some of us more than others. When you leave a place and move on, you expect to return to some…
Getting Citizenship in Italy
Getting Citizenship in Italy If you’ve been following along, you will know through my Permesso di Soggiorno part 1 that I arrived in Italy on the 5th of January, 2016 and I’ve been through the…
PokemonGo Hacked
Here’s a fun way to make lots of enemies around the world in one day, bring down PokemonGo – the new smartphone game that’s literally taken the world by storm. There could be far worse…
Imprisonment in Italy
Imprisonment in Italy My life of crime Guilty. I’m locked up and the key has been thrown far and yonder. I’m in imprisonment in Italy and all because I dared to reacquire my Italian Citizenship….
Permesso di Soggiorno Part Three Residenza Elettiva
Permesso di Soggiorno Part Three – Residenza Elettiva The insane chronicles – Residenza Elettiva Whoever told you that moving to Italy would be filled with lots wine and good food, sunsets overlooking historically magnificent statues,…
A Medici Brilliance in English
A Medici Brilliance in English A cultural 1 hour rundown of 300 years of Medici rulings Fuck me. I got lucky and managed to get myself invited along to a Medici brilliance in English, right…
Wrong House Mother Fucker
Wrong House Mother Fucker When I was living in Perth, Australia, this red-back spider made the stupid mistake of coming into my house. Because as humans we react with fear, I grabbed a can of…
Living La Vida Italiano
Living La Vida Italiano This is a side post to my Permesso di Soggiorno which I’m currently acquiring in order to regain Italian citizenship. And boy, what a ride it is. From being sent to…
Amazon Thinks I’m an Idiot
Amazon Thinks I’m an Idiot And after reading this post, I don’t blame them You know when you go to download a book on Kindle? And that thing happens where Amazon goes, “Oh hey Fox,…
The Pigeon Drugs n Mafia in Florence
The Pigeon Drugs n Mafia in Florence This story I’ve decided to call The Pigeon Drugs n Mafia in Florence started at my local pub on a Wednesday. My mate Pete had just arrived from…
Living Next to a Cemetery in London
Living Next to a Cemetery in London A fan – yes! Can you believe it? I have one! – recently asked me the following question: Where do you get your inspiration from? I didn’t know…
Permesso Di Soggiorno Part Two
Permesso Di Soggiorno Part Two WOW. What an interesting few weeks it has been since I first wrote Australian Permesso Di Soggiorno Part One. I’m living in Florence – a great first choice to slowly…
WiFi as a Subtle Advertising Tool
WiFI as a Subtle Advertising Tool As a young boy, advertising was quite entertaining, it would be someone smoking a cigarette-telling you how cool he is, a woman applying makeup and letting you see how…
Public Speaking about my Book
Public Speaking about my Book The sweat dripped down my back; in spite of the early February winter-cold outside and as I cleared my throat, a million eyes bored into me; waiting to judge my…
Living in Gibraltar
Living in Gibraltar Yes, for about a year and a half, I was Living in Gibraltar. This was between 2002 to 2004. After I’d already spent a year and a half working in Jersey, Channel…
Living in Florence
Living in Florence What’s it like Living in Florence? I love it. It’s different for sure; having previously been in Australian cities, London, Gibraltar, Jersey-Channel Islands and a few dots here and there, Italy has…
Australian Permesso di Soggiorno
Australian Permesso di Soggiorno Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The process for acquiring your Australian Permesso di Soggiorno is a treacherous and unimaginably frustrating task. But it is worth it in the end. If…
Best Things About London
Best Things About London I lived in London most of my 20’s and early 30’s and recently returned because I missed it. London is a city that more than anything, for me, provides opportunity, encourages…