Amazon Book Review
Great. I wrote a book, I titled it Monique and I put it out on both Kindle and paperback on Amazon for all the world to judge. Now as I move on and continue writing Toby and continue editing Mr 303, I wonder how sales will go and whether I’ll get an Amazon Book Review or 3.
Speaking of an Amazon Book Review, here’s the lowdown on why they are important and why you should write one.
Authors like myself, spend months and sometimes years writing a book. Months and months and months of reading the same text over again, amending it, editing it, rewriting it, rereading it and finally one day, you publish it. You put it up on Amazon and then hope that it eventually finds its way to readers who might be interested.
Amazon take into consideration a number of factors when showing your book to prospective readers. They look at the book’s category, they look at how many times that author and book have been searched, they look at how many sales it is making and they also look at how many Amazon Book Reviews there are for that book. That’s a pretty big one, the more genuine reviews, the more the book will show up in searches for other readers.
My book Monique is now out for you to read and judge. More importantly, it’s there for you to write a decent Amazon Book Review. And… I’ve even gone ahead and made the job really easy for you. All you have to do is answer the below questions and summarise them into a readable review format and hey presto! Instant Amazon Book Review. Then publish it under your account.
After finishing Monique the book, please read these questions and answer them. The general rule of thumb is that if the book is 4 or 5 stars, review it. If you decide the book is 3 stars or less and you have some helpful advice, please let me know directly.
2. Was it exciting?
5. Did it provoke emotions?
6. Did you care about the main character?
9. Would you recommend it to a friend?
I thought the story was great, it was exciting and interesting to read and kept me hooked right up until the end.The story was a little graphic at times, though I understood that it was relevant to the story.I felt sorry for the main character and sometimes felt angry at her for being such a victim. I was angry at some of the guys who used her and felt myself wanting her to make stronger decisions.Fox Emerson’s tone was well written and captured the voice of Kelly-Anne fairly well.I really enjoyed this book and would happily recommend it to my friends and feel that potential victims would benefit from reading this book.

Wow! I just finished reading monique and what a ride! I don’t normally read books like this but a friend recommended it and I thought I’d give it a shot. I can see this becoming a movie!
You have a real talent Fox! Thanks for a great book and looking forward to reading your next book!
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