Well… yeah. Hello. It’s been, ahem… awhile. I’ve missed the writing process and I’ve missed you. I’m headlong into a new book. But, to be honest, I did take a break for a long time….
Posts tagged books
Is the Apocalypse Coming?
Is the Apocalypse Coming? Part 1 I wrote a book about the apocalypse and now I’m worried Perhaps you’ve read Mr 303 and came here looking for Part Two. Or maybe you’re looking for a glimpse of…
The Life of Q
The Life of Q Please do not read the following unless you have already read A Boy Called Q as it contains spoilers. This post is about the sequel, The Life of Q …OUT NOW…
Toby – A Male Escort’s Journey
Toby – A Male Escort’s Journey Toby – a sample chapter is below. This is the beginning of the story, where it all begins. Dallas, Texas – Present Day Pelting rain against the back of…
Sian – A Sample Chapter Mr 303 Part Two
Sian A Sample Chapter From Mr 303 Part Two The following is a sample chapter called Falling Stars, about Sian – a character from Mr 303 Part One and Two. Please note that this has…
A Successful Author Spotlight on Reddit
A Successful Author Spotlight on Reddit WOW! What a night that was and so much fun too. 2,000 upvotes and over 350 comments and I thought I was going to get ignored on my very…
Apocalypse Is Coming
Apocalypse Is Coming It’s not just preppers, conspiracy theorists and wild-eyed ‘the aliens are coming’ enthusiasts who think the Apocalypse Is Coming. There’s signs of those who think the world as it is today, is…
Herbie and Kayla – Excerpt from Mr 303
Herbie and Kayla – Excerpt from Mr 303 The following is an excerpt from Mr 303, my new book which was released on March 31st, 2016. Available now on Amazon. Herbie drove along the freeway…
The Apocalypse Book Release
The Apocalypse Book Release It’s an exciting day for an author after many months of writing, re-writing, editing, re-editing, re-writing, re-editing, deleting, re-writing…ok you get the picture. Months of perfecting a story finally comes to…
How to Write Your First Book
How to Write Your First Book And get it to sell When you were a kid, you learned to walk, you fell out of tree houses – scraped your knee, maybe even broke a limb…
Amazon Thinks I’m an Idiot
Amazon Thinks I’m an Idiot And after reading this post, I don’t blame them You know when you go to download a book on Kindle? And that thing happens where Amazon goes, “Oh hey Fox,…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Four
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Four Yet Another Zombie Story In case you missed it, People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part One started…I don’t know, a few weeks ago. Back up and…
Bored Housewives and Sexy Moms
Bored Housewives and Sexy Moms Annie lifted her eyes up toward the ceiling but registered nothing other than the tongue that was deep inside her. She felt him slightly pull it out, cool air rushed…
Amazon Will Stop Free Books
Amazon Will Stop Free Books The latest rumour to come from Amazon is that Amazon will stop free books from going anywhere. And with good reason. Free books don’t make money for anyone and Amazon…
Free Books Really
Free Books Really? WHY? Why would anyone spend months writing a book, researching a story, paying hundreds – editing costs around US$1,000 for a standard sized book, cover design – a couple hundred, reviewing it,…
The Best Apocalyptic Book
The Best Apocalyptic Book I love reading all kinds of books, but I have to say that my favorite theme is apocalyptic. Whether it’s watching captivating programs like The Walking Dead or movies like the…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Two
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Two Yet Another Zombie Story Last week was the first episode of People Seem to be Getting Grumpier We hadn’t noticed that minutes earlier a light rain had…
Are Bisexual Thoughts Normal or are you Gay?
Are Bisexual Thoughts Normal or are you Gay? Are bisexual thoughts normal? Let’s ask Toby, the central character in my new book, due out in June. Toby has an ongoing relationship with Jakob, a handsome…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Yet Another Zombie Story “Is it just me or are people getting grumpier?” “What do you mean? Today?” “No, in general. Don’t you notice it too? Over the years…
Living Next to a Cemetery in London
Living Next to a Cemetery in London A fan – yes! Can you believe it? I have one! – recently asked me the following question: Where do you get your inspiration from? I didn’t know…
Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking When there’s demand, there’s supply. Right now in the world, there’s a big demand for prostitution. Because of this, Sex Trafficking is more in demand than at any other time in our history….
Like Comment and Live
Like Comment and Live Have you ever started a new venture? Brought something new? Tried something new? Did something different? What were the results? Did you get frustrated and maybe a little disappointed that you…
WiFi as a Subtle Advertising Tool
WiFI as a Subtle Advertising Tool As a young boy, advertising was quite entertaining, it would be someone smoking a cigarette-telling you how cool he is, a woman applying makeup and letting you see how…
Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings
Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings People Looking for my Book Monique – Meanwhile I’m Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings The following is a piss-take /humorous take on the obsession of Amazon rankings. It is not designed to…
Public Speaking about my Book
Public Speaking about my Book The sweat dripped down my back; in spite of the early February winter-cold outside and as I cleared my throat, a million eyes bored into me; waiting to judge my…
Living in Gibraltar
Living in Gibraltar Yes, for about a year and a half, I was Living in Gibraltar. This was between 2002 to 2004. After I’d already spent a year and a half working in Jersey, Channel…
The Age of Entitlement
The Age of Entitlement Make no mistake, the Age of Entitlement is definitely nigh. Don’t look at under 30 somethings and blame them. We are all to blame. It’s us. We are the Age of…
Why I Fucking Hate Facebook
Why I Fucking Hate Facebook Those dipshits at Facebook annoy the crap out of me. In fact, if I didn’t absolutely have to have a Facebook account, I wouldn’t. Can you tell I’m not a…
Sexy Mom Breaking Bad Habits
Sexy Mom Breaking Bad Habits Who is this sexy mom breaking bad habits I hear you ask? Let me introduce you to Monique. She’s a real slut. Well, let’s say that she was. It was…
Australian Permesso di Soggiorno
Australian Permesso di Soggiorno Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The process for acquiring your Australian Permesso di Soggiorno is a treacherous and unimaginably frustrating task. But it is worth it in the end. If…
Authors Getting Bad Reviews on Amazon
Authors Getting Bad Reviews on Amazon OH MY GOD! The unthinkable happened. I got a 3 star review for my recently released book ‘Monique’ and I was devastated. Monique came out early January on Amazon…
Editing Your Book the Easy Way
Editing Your Book the Easy Way To think that in this day and age, you can write a book, publish it online, all by yourself. The hard part? Editing Your Book the Easy Way. Editing…
Taking Risks
Taking Risks I know it is crazy, because friends told me that it is. Yet, I still went ahead and did it. I decided my life theme would be about Taking Risks. Let’s face it,…
Where Do I Advertise My Book?
Where Do I Advertise My Book? I’ve written the next top seller, great. Now what? It’s sitting on that shelf on Amazon, watching tumbleweeds blow past. But Where Do I Advertise My Book? After almost…