Where Did Glory Holes Come From? Who Invented Them? What Is the History of Glory Holes? Nobody knows exactly where the world’s first glory hole appeared, but let’s be honest, it probably happened as soon…
Browsing Category Sexual Topics
Sexual Abuse is an issue that needs to be understood. I wrote a book about it in Monique and it is something that I’ve become passionate about. This category also covers anything to do with social sex topics.
Interview With a Dale
The Adam Norty book’s called Slut, but our cover model Dale is anything but. We took him to the English countryside, introduced him to some of the locals, and asked Dale Michalowski some tough questions….
The Hole in the Door
“Just because we don’t like our history, doesn’t mean we can erase it.”
This blog is about The Hole in the Door, a book about Glory Holes.
Beta Readers Needed
Hi readers, I’m in need beta readers for a couple of short books. Both are MM/Romance/Erotic short stories. If you have my email, please email me, otherwise you can message me here (under this post)…
Who is Adam Norty?
Adam Norty is…well…he’s quite norty. In a recent post, I told you that I had almost cheated on you, and that I’d almost decided to publish The Hole in the Door under that pen name….
Ricki oh Ricky
Ricky – not short for anything, and simply named so because his dad liked it and had apparently decided that’s what he’d call their only son. Ricky was an alleged disappointment from the very beginning….
To Judge or not to Judge
That is the Answer Imagine that life is a sliding scale of feminine to masculine and that there is no right or wrong. You don’t have to be any one thing and you can choose…
Can Bromance be Mistaken for Romance?
He’s hot, right? You really like him and you think he likes you in the same way. I mean, after all, he’s obviously showing you all the signs you want to see and are happy…
Really, Go Fuck Yourself
I know you said you couldn’t commit to anything more, and I’m so chill – I’m so like, I don’t care, I’m really busy anyway; I have friends and a career and stuff to do,…
When Harry Married Henry
Henry couldn’t remember not hating his name. He’d always felt that it belonged in black and white movies. By the time he’d turned 20, he was better known as Hank. Hank thought Sydney Harbor’s Boys’…
What Does Pride Mean?
What Does Pride Mean? What does pride mean? Let’s be honest, we all know that Pride is associated with the LGBTQIAFRSMTUVZ community and that somewhere in the feathery Village People days, they had a point…
Is Aging a Disease?
Is Aging a Disease? Homosexuality was considered a disease as recently as in 1974, yet as of 2018, homosexuals (doesn’t that oversized word conjure up images of beefy, hairy men in chaps?) can marry in…
The Changing Landscape
The Changing Landscape Times, they are a-changing. Women are wearing pant-suits and cutting their hair short, while men grow ponytails (top-knots) and wear dresses, and gay men and women are legally marrying. This marks the…
The Meaning of Time and Other Cyclical Nonsense
The Meaning of Time and Other Cyclical Nonsense A Pointless Short Story. Or is it? “Let’s do this,” he asked her, it was a question – but sounded like it wasn’t. “You know what’s going…
They Can’t Come Back
They Can’t Come Back Nothing can ever replace them. It’s not a gap; a void – a shadow that tries to fill a space that someone once occupied. Where they once stood, you’ll always see…
Circles in the Sand
Circles in the Sand I’ve been thinking about death a lot lately, because as I write this, Monique has rapidly declined in health. At this point in time, while in a hospice in North London,…
How Much Sex Is Too Much Sex?
How Much Sex Is Too Much Guilty. I’m dirty-minded, perverted, deviant. Yet still, I wonder how much sex is too much? I’ve written sex scenes that are pretty…um, explicit. Because it fits into the story…
New Short Gay Fiction Story
New Short Gay Fiction Story Because Short Stories are so Easy to Read For those of you who enjoyed my Short Gay Fiction Story – A Boy Called Q and the sequel – The Life…
We Seem to be Angry all the Time
We Seem to be Angry all the Time Road rage The information superhighway gets me what I want and fast. But what frustrates the hell out of me is how real life highways are incredibly…
Monique’s a Shining Light and Star so Bright
Monique’s a Shining Light and Star so Bright The star of my first book is gravely ill The news is grim. In early February of 2017, Kelly-Ann, also known as Monique, couldn’t shake a cough…
Is Cannabis Oil a Cancer Cure or Hype?
Is Cannabis Oil a Cancer Cure or Hype? When a loved one’s life hangs in the balance, we want any cancer cure Because you, or someone you know has cancer or you’ve simply heard the…
Writing about Sex Rape and Drugs
Writing about Sex Rape and Drugs Imagine that YOU are my next book I’m a perverted, disgusting, filthy-minded man who writes about topics which nearly always feature sex rape and drugs. But not just normal,…
Pop Singers
Pop Singers Glitz, Glamor and Candy for your Ears Teenagers are sexually growing beings who obsess over something that gives them escapism. Some people love to read, others get lost in a movie or a…
Is Bromance Gay?
Is Bromance Gay? No smart person could question… is bromance gay? Especially if they understood what Bromance is. A bromance is a close relationship between two guys that isn’t sexual in nature and usually very intense. In…
Should Parenting Require a License?
Should Parenting Require a License? Child abuse, drug abuse – who decides whether parenting require a license? It’s none of your business whether or not your neighbor’s are bad parents. Or is it? What if…
Accidentally Entering Cougar Town – Turn Back Now!
Meanwhile in Cougar Town Accidentally Cougar Town Liesel had a hangover, but still she made it to work, even if the bags under her eyes were big enough for a grocery shop and the bottom…
Books About Life Lessons
Books About Life Lessons The Tough Stuff That’s Hard to Read If you’d asked me a year ago whether I’d be writing full-time on books about life lessons, I would have laughed. Then life got…
Latest Gay Book – The Life of Q Continues
Latest Gay Book The Life of Q This latest gay book – not because I write gay books exclusively, but because I started on the theme and have to finish what I started – is…
Meaningless Sex Is No Longer Meaningful
Meaningless Sex Is No Longer Meaningful Sex that becomes meaningless, when it started off with the sole purpose of being meaningless Most guys think about sex a lot; it’s quite natural. Me? I write about…
Toxic Friendships and Why We Tolerate Them
Toxic Friendships No matter how long you’ve known some people, you’re going to realise one day that they might have changed. Most of the time that’s a good thing; growth is good for all of…
Dealing With a Break Up
Dealing With a Break Up Break Ups Suck – And Other Unhelpful Advice When Dealng With a Break Up “I’m really fine! I’m feeling great, positive and optimistic; I have so much else to look…
New Gay Themed Book Causes a Stir
New Gay Themed Book Causes a Stir I wrote a short gay themed book and was a little shocked to see it cause quite a stir. While I had a feeling that a section of…
The Life of Q
The Life of Q Please do not read the following unless you have already read A Boy Called Q as it contains spoilers. This post is about the sequel, The Life of Q …OUT NOW…
Toby – A Male Escort’s Journey
Toby – A Male Escort’s Journey Toby – a sample chapter is below. This is the beginning of the story, where it all begins. Dallas, Texas – Present Day Pelting rain against the back of…
Sian – A Sample Chapter Mr 303 Part Two
Sian A Sample Chapter From Mr 303 Part Two The following is a sample chapter called Falling Stars, about Sian – a character from Mr 303 Part One and Two. Please note that this has…
Sexual Identity
Sexual Identity Identification Labels and Other Corrections So, over the last few months, as I’ve been writing a book about a bisexual prostitute living in Barcelona, I did a ton of research on sexuality and…
Bored Housewives and Sexy Moms
Bored Housewives and Sexy Moms Annie lifted her eyes up toward the ceiling but registered nothing other than the tongue that was deep inside her. She felt him slightly pull it out, cool air rushed…
Who is Madonna
Who is Madonna And why should you care? Being able to continually create a persona and encourage others to believe in that persona, that’s a marketing genius. Creating ballads, riffs, lyrics that all work together…
Are Bisexual Thoughts Normal or are you Gay?
Are Bisexual Thoughts Normal or are you Gay? Are bisexual thoughts normal? Let’s ask Toby, the central character in my new book, due out in June. Toby has an ongoing relationship with Jakob, a handsome…
Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking When there’s demand, there’s supply. Right now in the world, there’s a big demand for prostitution. Because of this, Sex Trafficking is more in demand than at any other time in our history….
Abused Children and Prostitution
Abused Children and Prostitution In my book Toby, which is due for release around May 2016, I created a character based on someone I know. After some in depth research into the research of abused…
Sexy Mom Breaking Bad Habits
Sexy Mom Breaking Bad Habits Who is this sexy mom breaking bad habits I hear you ask? Let me introduce you to Monique. She’s a real slut. Well, let’s say that she was. It was…
Why Prostitution Is Fascinating
Why Prostitution Is Fascinating Let’s face it, prostitution is fascinating. Let me tell you why prostitution is fascinating, in my opinion anyway. Because most of us haven’t done it, probably haven’t even thought about it….