Dealing With a Break Up Break Ups Suck – And Other Unhelpful Advice When Dealng With a Break Up “I’m really fine! I’m feeling great, positive and optimistic; I have so much else to look…
Browsing Category Blogs
Getting Citizenship in Italy
Getting Citizenship in Italy If you’ve been following along, you will know through my Permesso di Soggiorno part 1 that I arrived in Italy on the 5th of January, 2016 and I’ve been through the…
PokemonGo Hacked
Here’s a fun way to make lots of enemies around the world in one day, bring down PokemonGo – the new smartphone game that’s literally taken the world by storm. There could be far worse…
Top Steps to a Better Website
Top Steps to a Better Website Trying to work out why you aren’t appearing in Google results? Here’s some quick and easy tips on how to enhance performance, which will ultimately help you get closer…
The New Apartment Part Three
The New Apartment Part Three Ghosts in Florence – This is a continuation from Part Two… As the spring gently blended into summer, John spent the first couple of weeks getting to know Florence and…
New Gay Themed Book Causes a Stir
New Gay Themed Book Causes a Stir I wrote a short gay themed book and was a little shocked to see it cause quite a stir. While I had a feeling that a section of…
Imprisonment in Italy
Imprisonment in Italy My life of crime Guilty. I’m locked up and the key has been thrown far and yonder. I’m in imprisonment in Italy and all because I dared to reacquire my Italian Citizenship….
Is the Apocalypse Coming?
Is the Apocalypse Coming? Part 1 I wrote a book about the apocalypse and now I’m worried Perhaps you’ve read Mr 303 and came here looking for Part Two. Or maybe you’re looking for a glimpse of…
The Life of Q
The Life of Q Please do not read the following unless you have already read A Boy Called Q as it contains spoilers. This post is about the sequel, The Life of Q …OUT NOW…
Why Are People So Angry
Why Are People So Angry? When I was young – which to me feels like approximately 400 years ago – I didn’t see signs warning you not to attack the bus driver because heavy penalties…
Permesso di Soggiorno Part Three Residenza Elettiva
Permesso di Soggiorno Part Three – Residenza Elettiva The insane chronicles – Residenza Elettiva Whoever told you that moving to Italy would be filled with lots wine and good food, sunsets overlooking historically magnificent statues,…
Toby – A Male Escort’s Journey
Toby – A Male Escort’s Journey Toby – a sample chapter is below. This is the beginning of the story, where it all begins. Dallas, Texas – Present Day Pelting rain against the back of…
Sian – A Sample Chapter Mr 303 Part Two
Sian A Sample Chapter From Mr 303 Part Two The following is a sample chapter called Falling Stars, about Sian – a character from Mr 303 Part One and Two. Please note that this has…
It Feels Like the Apocalypse Today
It Feels Like the Apocalypse Today Nothing heralds the end of times more than waking up to no gas and no water. Yes, that’s right folks, if you’re in Florence – Italy today, nobody had…
A Medici Brilliance in English
A Medici Brilliance in English A cultural 1 hour rundown of 300 years of Medici rulings Fuck me. I got lucky and managed to get myself invited along to a Medici brilliance in English, right…
A Successful Author Spotlight on Reddit
A Successful Author Spotlight on Reddit WOW! What a night that was and so much fun too. 2,000 upvotes and over 350 comments and I thought I was going to get ignored on my very…
Wrong House Mother Fucker
Wrong House Mother Fucker When I was living in Perth, Australia, this red-back spider made the stupid mistake of coming into my house. Because as humans we react with fear, I grabbed a can of…
Apocalypse Is Coming
Apocalypse Is Coming It’s not just preppers, conspiracy theorists and wild-eyed ‘the aliens are coming’ enthusiasts who think the Apocalypse Is Coming. There’s signs of those who think the world as it is today, is…
Ending with a Preposition
Ending with a Preposition Eat My Prepositions Bitch You’ve been lied to. Yes, ending with a preposition is perfectly acceptable and in fact, encouraged in fictional writing. Often, when writing a story, unless you do…
Living La Vida Italiano
Living La Vida Italiano This is a side post to my Permesso di Soggiorno which I’m currently acquiring in order to regain Italian citizenship. And boy, what a ride it is. From being sent to…
Herbie and Kayla – Excerpt from Mr 303
Herbie and Kayla – Excerpt from Mr 303 The following is an excerpt from Mr 303, my new book which was released on March 31st, 2016. Available now on Amazon. Herbie drove along the freeway…
The Apocalypse Book Release
The Apocalypse Book Release It’s an exciting day for an author after many months of writing, re-writing, editing, re-editing, re-writing, re-editing, deleting, re-writing…ok you get the picture. Months of perfecting a story finally comes to…
Trolls on Forums
Trolls on Forums It is so easy to tell someone that they are a piece of shit human being when you are hiding your own ugly, puss-filled face behind a keyboard. You’re completely anonymous –…
Sexual Identity
Sexual Identity Identification Labels and Other Corrections So, over the last few months, as I’ve been writing a book about a bisexual prostitute living in Barcelona, I did a ton of research on sexuality and…
Getting Old and Looking Older
Getting Old and Looking Older Whether you’re 25 and starting to get concerned with some hairloss, or 45 and worrying about bags under your eyes…oh and let’s not forget about wrinkles, at some point, the…
How to Write Your First Book
How to Write Your First Book And get it to sell When you were a kid, you learned to walk, you fell out of tree houses – scraped your knee, maybe even broke a limb…
Amazon Thinks I’m an Idiot
Amazon Thinks I’m an Idiot And after reading this post, I don’t blame them You know when you go to download a book on Kindle? And that thing happens where Amazon goes, “Oh hey Fox,…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Four
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Four Yet Another Zombie Story In case you missed it, People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part One started…I don’t know, a few weeks ago. Back up and…
An Inspiring Commercial Photographer
An Inspiring Commercial Photographer Now and again, someone comes along that just makes you proud. I’m not one to brag, but I have met a few famous people, millionaires, top thought-leaders in their fields and…
The Pigeon Drugs n Mafia in Florence
The Pigeon Drugs n Mafia in Florence This story I’ve decided to call The Pigeon Drugs n Mafia in Florence started at my local pub on a Wednesday. My mate Pete had just arrived from…
The New Apartment Part Two
The New Apartment Part Two This is a continuation from The New Apartment Part One Daylight dispels the deepest shadows and as such, John found that his fear melted under the light of the sun….
My ABBA Day My ABBA Day started off much like many others, except I had an Abba song stuck in my head. Tiger. That’s how I woke up; to the tune of Tiger by Abba….
Bored Housewives and Sexy Moms
Bored Housewives and Sexy Moms Annie lifted her eyes up toward the ceiling but registered nothing other than the tongue that was deep inside her. She felt him slightly pull it out, cool air rushed…
The New Apartment
The New Apartment The inside of the apartment was almost cold, considering the warm spring day outside. But John liked it, he resonated with it. This is where he would live for the next year…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Three
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Three Yet Another Zombie Story If you missed Part One or Two, please read those first. Or this will make no sense. Almost like a coordinated attack, the…
Who is Madonna
Who is Madonna And why should you care? Being able to continually create a persona and encourage others to believe in that persona, that’s a marketing genius. Creating ballads, riffs, lyrics that all work together…
Amazon Will Stop Free Books
Amazon Will Stop Free Books The latest rumour to come from Amazon is that Amazon will stop free books from going anywhere. And with good reason. Free books don’t make money for anyone and Amazon…
Free Books Really
Free Books Really? WHY? Why would anyone spend months writing a book, researching a story, paying hundreds – editing costs around US$1,000 for a standard sized book, cover design – a couple hundred, reviewing it,…
The Best Apocalyptic Book
The Best Apocalyptic Book I love reading all kinds of books, but I have to say that my favorite theme is apocalyptic. Whether it’s watching captivating programs like The Walking Dead or movies like the…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Two
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Part Two Yet Another Zombie Story Last week was the first episode of People Seem to be Getting Grumpier We hadn’t noticed that minutes earlier a light rain had…
Are Bisexual Thoughts Normal or are you Gay?
Are Bisexual Thoughts Normal or are you Gay? Are bisexual thoughts normal? Let’s ask Toby, the central character in my new book, due out in June. Toby has an ongoing relationship with Jakob, a handsome…
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier
People Seem to be Getting Grumpier Yet Another Zombie Story “Is it just me or are people getting grumpier?” “What do you mean? Today?” “No, in general. Don’t you notice it too? Over the years…
Living Next to a Cemetery in London
Living Next to a Cemetery in London A fan – yes! Can you believe it? I have one! – recently asked me the following question: Where do you get your inspiration from? I didn’t know…
Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking When there’s demand, there’s supply. Right now in the world, there’s a big demand for prostitution. Because of this, Sex Trafficking is more in demand than at any other time in our history….
Permesso Di Soggiorno Part Two
Permesso Di Soggiorno Part Two WOW. What an interesting few weeks it has been since I first wrote Australian Permesso Di Soggiorno Part One. I’m living in Florence – a great first choice to slowly…
Things that go Bump in the Night
Things that go Bump in the Night It was cold in the room yet still, I lay under a sweat-soaked sheet, frightened from Things that go Bump in the Night. I’m not sure if anyone…
Abused Children and Prostitution
Abused Children and Prostitution In my book Toby, which is due for release around May 2016, I created a character based on someone I know. After some in depth research into the research of abused…
Like Comment and Live
Like Comment and Live Have you ever started a new venture? Brought something new? Tried something new? Did something different? What were the results? Did you get frustrated and maybe a little disappointed that you…
WiFi as a Subtle Advertising Tool
WiFI as a Subtle Advertising Tool As a young boy, advertising was quite entertaining, it would be someone smoking a cigarette-telling you how cool he is, a woman applying makeup and letting you see how…
Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings
Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings People Looking for my Book Monique – Meanwhile I’m Obsessing Over Amazon Rankings The following is a piss-take /humorous take on the obsession of Amazon rankings. It is not designed to…
Fear in the World Today
Fear in the World Today There’s so much of it. This post has nothing to do with my books, my writing, me as an author or any such thing. This is my own personal view…
Public Speaking about my Book
Public Speaking about my Book The sweat dripped down my back; in spite of the early February winter-cold outside and as I cleared my throat, a million eyes bored into me; waiting to judge my…
Living in Gibraltar
Living in Gibraltar Yes, for about a year and a half, I was Living in Gibraltar. This was between 2002 to 2004. After I’d already spent a year and a half working in Jersey, Channel…
The Age of Entitlement
The Age of Entitlement Make no mistake, the Age of Entitlement is definitely nigh. Don’t look at under 30 somethings and blame them. We are all to blame. It’s us. We are the Age of…
An Author and a Lamb
An Author and a Lamb Lamb Farm, a humorous character who runs a farm alongside his Herder and writes a blog, is still going strong. Written by myself-Fox Emerson; under the pseudonym belfusion, it…
Why I Fucking Hate Facebook
Why I Fucking Hate Facebook Those dipshits at Facebook annoy the crap out of me. In fact, if I didn’t absolutely have to have a Facebook account, I wouldn’t. Can you tell I’m not a…
Sexy Mom Breaking Bad Habits
Sexy Mom Breaking Bad Habits Who is this sexy mom breaking bad habits I hear you ask? Let me introduce you to Monique. She’s a real slut. Well, let’s say that she was. It was…
Living in Florence
Living in Florence What’s it like Living in Florence? I love it. It’s different for sure; having previously been in Australian cities, London, Gibraltar, Jersey-Channel Islands and a few dots here and there, Italy has…
Australian Permesso di Soggiorno
Australian Permesso di Soggiorno Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The process for acquiring your Australian Permesso di Soggiorno is a treacherous and unimaginably frustrating task. But it is worth it in the end. If…
Amazon Book Review
Amazon Book Review Great. I wrote a book, I titled it Monique and I put it out on both Kindle and paperback on Amazon for all the world to judge. Now as I move on…
Authors Getting Bad Reviews on Amazon
Authors Getting Bad Reviews on Amazon OH MY GOD! The unthinkable happened. I got a 3 star review for my recently released book ‘Monique’ and I was devastated. Monique came out early January on Amazon…
Editing Your Book the Easy Way
Editing Your Book the Easy Way To think that in this day and age, you can write a book, publish it online, all by yourself. The hard part? Editing Your Book the Easy Way. Editing…
Taking Risks
Taking Risks I know it is crazy, because friends told me that it is. Yet, I still went ahead and did it. I decided my life theme would be about Taking Risks. Let’s face it,…
Best Things About London
Best Things About London I lived in London most of my 20’s and early 30’s and recently returned because I missed it. London is a city that more than anything, for me, provides opportunity, encourages…
Where Do I Advertise My Book?
Where Do I Advertise My Book? I’ve written the next top seller, great. Now what? It’s sitting on that shelf on Amazon, watching tumbleweeds blow past. But Where Do I Advertise My Book? After almost…
Why Prostitution Is Fascinating
Why Prostitution Is Fascinating Let’s face it, prostitution is fascinating. Let me tell you why prostitution is fascinating, in my opinion anyway. Because most of us haven’t done it, probably haven’t even thought about it….
Pizza Tour
Pizza Tour On a recent return trip to Australia, with only 2 weeks to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time, I found myself on a Pizza Tour. Why? The first…
An Ode To Dorothy
An Ode To Dorothy Multitudes know the feeling of a knife piercing their back. At one time or another it’s happened to the best of us-and those we’ve been pleased to see it happen to….
An Author’s Update
An Author’s Update I still find myself grappling with the idea that I’m working full-time on writing novels. Welcome, this is my first ever An Author’s Update! Whoop. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an exciting…