Where Did Glory Holes Come From? Who Invented Them? What Is the History of Glory Holes? Nobody knows exactly where the world’s first glory hole appeared, but let’s be honest, it probably happened as soon…
Browsing Category Blogs
Interview With a Dale
The Adam Norty book’s called Slut, but our cover model Dale is anything but. We took him to the English countryside, introduced him to some of the locals, and asked Dale Michalowski some tough questions….
The Hole in the Door
“Just because we don’t like our history, doesn’t mean we can erase it.”
This blog is about The Hole in the Door, a book about Glory Holes.
Dis Ease of a World at Conflict
Two black girls were stabbed in a park in London, in June 2020, and two Policemen took selfies with the bodies. What happened to the cops, and the imperceptible effort to find the killer, sparked…
The Spiral
The Spiral Why Am I So Invisible? You’re so handsome. Those lightly colored cheeks, and that slightly narrow nose and those full lips that make me think of pasta sauce. Your green eyes as the…
10 Things That Would Top off 2020 Like Arsenic Icing
10 Things That Would Top off 2020 Like Arsenic Icing. Like E.T.’s call finally gets answered.
Beta Readers Needed
Hi readers, I’m in need beta readers for a couple of short books. Both are MM/Romance/Erotic short stories. If you have my email, please email me, otherwise you can message me here (under this post)…
Beta Readers
Beta readers are the unsung heroes of our times. No author should publish a book without them.
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate?
That is the question I’m like a pendulum, going back and forth, considering my options. I’ve never been an ‘anti-vaxxer’ though as a curious human, I’ve questioned the plight, and there’s valid fears there (sometimes),…
Who is Adam Norty?
Adam Norty is…well…he’s quite norty. In a recent post, I told you that I had almost cheated on you, and that I’d almost decided to publish The Hole in the Door under that pen name….
My Coronavirus Diary
The email I received on Sunday night from the NHS confirmed what I already knew; I have coronavirus. Unlike the millions who came before me, I don’t have the same symptoms. Is the virus getting…
An Hour of Your Time
Two young men appeared at my door; both well-dressed in a casual style and both carrying old-fashioned brief-cases. While neither of them flashed sun-blinding pearly whites, they looked friendly and curious. One had cropped short- dark, hair and the other was a traditional blonde with hair only slightly shorter. The lack of polish in their shoes and wrinkles in their clothes made it clear they weren’t military nor corporate. In fact, both their shirts and trousers were in various forms of wrinkled. I assumed scholars, students or scientists.
Finally the Vaccine
Finally the vaccine has arrived because we are the virus.
Living in Domes
It’s time for change I’m going to tell you a secret. During the three or so years I was writing the newly released The Peace Ambassador, I began to realise that some things didn’t add…
The Lie of an Era
As a child, I was impressed by the height of the pyramids and the mind-bending thoughts on the man hours required for such a construction. In 2020, I’m equally astounded at the even more impressive…
Fuck I Hate Linda
Ellie disliked Linda immensely. Apparently, over Christmas dinner, Ellie made a big deal of her intolerance for a number of staple foods. “This stupid woman never once thought to make sure that her host, ie……
Surviving the Apocalypse
Instructions for surviving the Apocalypse – book one Let me introduce you to the apocalypse. Back in 2019, I told you that I thought the Apocalypse was coming. And again here and here. Then there’s…
Leaking Snippets
The Peace Ambassador “Dear, dear Andrea. You’ve got such a temper on you. Think that life is about balance; fair and unfair, death and life, Yin and Yang? Just and unjust? Really believe that suffering…
Dystopian Novels
Dystopian books by Fox Emerson, not just a plug on the new book The Peace Ambassador, but also a homage to the genre of dystopia
A New Dystopian Apocalyptic Tale
If you’re reading this, then I am dead. I died while writing my new dystopian apocalyptic tale. For nearly three years, I’ve written, edited, re-written, agonized over, edited, re-wrote, restarted, soul searched and finally, finished…
The Apocalypse is Coming
Newsflash: There’s no immediate apocalypse coming today – that I can foretell at least, but stay tuned, every country around the world is trying desperately to bring one in; including England. So, the apocalypse is…
Are All Reviews Fake?
Reviews are big business and fake ones are easily bought. Watch out, that fry pan may not be genuinely ‘amazing’.
An Hour of Your Time Pt 3
Continued from Pt 2… “This is yours, Ollie,” she said, then used her pass to unlock the door on the side panel. An audible click was heard, followed by a whoosh as the doors swiftly…
An Hour of your Time pt 2
Continued from part one… I closed and locked the door and carefully navigated down the 3 worn – fading, pink concrete steps and onto a path that had more cracks in it than my face…
Ricki oh Ricky
Ricky – not short for anything, and simply named so because his dad liked it and had apparently decided that’s what he’d call their only son. Ricky was an alleged disappointment from the very beginning….
To Judge or not to Judge
That is the Answer Imagine that life is a sliding scale of feminine to masculine and that there is no right or wrong. You don’t have to be any one thing and you can choose…
The Cigar Shaped Object
A musing on the origins of Oumuamua As the sun grew brighter, and the days longer, I noted the temperament of those around me darken. My Father – a self-confessed recluse who watched the world…
Look at me, I’m Ridiculously Tragic
This week, I’ve thought about time travel and inter-dimensional space and time, only because I’ve wanted to put my hand through it, reach into the past, and fucking slap the goddamn shit out of my…
Can Bromance be Mistaken for Romance?
He’s hot, right? You really like him and you think he likes you in the same way. I mean, after all, he’s obviously showing you all the signs you want to see and are happy…
Really, Go Fuck Yourself
I know you said you couldn’t commit to anything more, and I’m so chill – I’m so like, I don’t care, I’m really busy anyway; I have friends and a career and stuff to do,…
When Harry Married Henry
Henry couldn’t remember not hating his name. He’d always felt that it belonged in black and white movies. By the time he’d turned 20, he was better known as Hank. Hank thought Sydney Harbor’s Boys’…
Scaredy Cat
Every time I try and convince one of my friends that I’m not a Scaredy Cat, they either laugh, smile awkwardly or look at me as though I’m something that they stepped in. Exhibit A…
Send Me an Angel
Send Me an Angel The sound beyond the door was unmistakably that of footsteps as I prayed for God to send me an angel. They drew closer, causing Luca to tighten his grip on the…
What Does Pride Mean?
What Does Pride Mean? What does pride mean? Let’s be honest, we all know that Pride is associated with the LGBTQIAFRSMTUVZ community and that somewhere in the feathery Village People days, they had a point…
Is Aging a Disease?
Is Aging a Disease? Homosexuality was considered a disease as recently as in 1974, yet as of 2018, homosexuals (doesn’t that oversized word conjure up images of beefy, hairy men in chaps?) can marry in…
Suing God, I Am Suing You
Dear God, I Am Suing You I am taking Legal and Moral action against you. I hereby lodge criminal proceedings against you, for the following list of crimes: Criminal Negligence causing bodily harm Fraud and…
What Does Abundance Mean
What Does Abundance Mean? I’m not about to get all spiritual on your ass with this ‘What Does Abundance Mean’ bs but…I’ve had some interesting and not so fun moments the past few weeks. These…
Why You Shouldn’t Write a Book
Why You Shouldn’t Write a Book Why you shouldn’t write a book is because it won’t sell. Not unless you’re already really famous and one of the Kardashians. In fact, if you’re related to one…
Turn That Frown Upside Down
Turn That Frown Upside Down The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth about happiness. All you need to do is turn that frown upside down. I’ve got a secret. My smile…
Stay Afloat, Don’t Drown, Be Positive and Be Happy
Stay Afloat, Don’t Drown, Be Positive and Be Happy Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone – from Ella Wheeler’s poem from 1883 titled, “Solitude”. A lesson in how to…
Death’s Been Knocking on the Door
Death’s Been Knocking on the Door The family chatted loudly and with great passion and animation as the car idled on the sidewalk, forcing Sunday strollers to detour around it, while I – with all…
Humans are Alien Babies from Long, Long Ago
Humans are alien babies from long, long ago In Circle in the Sand – I’ve hypothesised that humans lived on Mars, before moving to Earth. I also hint that humans may have evolved even before…
What happens to us when we Die?
What happens to us when we Die? I refuse to believe that there’s an empty void waiting for us at the end of our lives. What happens to us when we die? Remember when we…
The Changing Landscape
The Changing Landscape Times, they are a-changing. Women are wearing pant-suits and cutting their hair short, while men grow ponytails (top-knots) and wear dresses, and gay men and women are legally marrying. This marks the…
The Meaning of Time and Other Cyclical Nonsense
The Meaning of Time and Other Cyclical Nonsense A Pointless Short Story. Or is it? “Let’s do this,” he asked her, it was a question – but sounded like it wasn’t. “You know what’s going…
An Amazon Drone is Gonna Start Dropping From the Sky!
An Amazon Drone is Gonna Start Dropping From the Sky! Or some fucking redneck’s gonna shoot ’em If I told you that an Amazon drone is about to deliver directly to your apartment in London…
The Alien Agenda is to Shove Hot Pokers up your Bum
The Alien Agenda Somewhere on Uranus, a group of egg-headed, mustard-coloured, yellow aliens with eyes remarkably similar to a Pokemon’s are scheming the demise of the human race. The biggest obstacle to the alien agenda…
They Can’t Come Back
They Can’t Come Back Nothing can ever replace them. It’s not a gap; a void – a shadow that tries to fill a space that someone once occupied. Where they once stood, you’ll always see…
The Chances of Anything Coming from Mars
The Chances of Anything Coming from Mars The Chances of Anything Coming from Mars…or going there, for that matter…aren’t that slim anymore. It’s deeply ingrained in us to be unhappy with what we have. We’ll…
Night Terrors
Night Terrors Another victim scrambles for the light switch At some point during my teen years, I discovered that I would never sleep in a dark room due to continual night terrors that had plagued…
What to do if your phone is stolen
What to do if your phone is stolen Don’t panic, they don’t want your data I wish I’d read useful ‘what to do if your phone is stolen’ advice over two weeks ago. I’d left…
Aliens and the Afterlife
Aliens and the Afterlife Where did we come from? There are several species of aliens out there and some have even been in contact with certain people on Earth. Though those people aren’t necessarily those…
Where Do We Go When We Die?
Where Do We Go When We Die? The catholics believe that we go to heaven and the bad people go to hell and that’s what I was taught as a child by strict, Roman Catholic…
How to Become Famous in 24 Hours and Lose Weight in the Process
How to Become Famous in 24 Hours and Lose Weight in the Process And other nonsensical suggestions for you The best advice anyone will give you about how to become famous is by considering what…
Circles in the Sand
Circles in the Sand I’ve been thinking about death a lot lately, because as I write this, Monique has rapidly declined in health. At this point in time, while in a hospice in North London,…
The Meaningful Ribbon
The Meaningful Ribbon We sail through our lives, often without a care. Things flow smoothly – sure, there are ups and downs, but they are just bumps and hurdles that we quickly overcome, but generally,…
We All Get The Holiday Blues
Holiday Blues The minute you arrive at home – after a trip away, the holiday blues set in. I’ve just returned from a two week trip to Italy, where I caught up with family and…
How Much Sex Is Too Much Sex?
How Much Sex Is Too Much Guilty. I’m dirty-minded, perverted, deviant. Yet still, I wonder how much sex is too much? I’ve written sex scenes that are pretty…um, explicit. Because it fits into the story…
Why its Ok Being Weird and Other Terrible Advice
Why its Ok Being Weird and Other Terrible Advice Should I Conform to the Sheeple? I’m going to tell you a little secret. STOP BEING BORING and trying to be like everyone else. It’s not…
New Short Gay Fiction Story
New Short Gay Fiction Story Because Short Stories are so Easy to Read For those of you who enjoyed my Short Gay Fiction Story – A Boy Called Q and the sequel – The Life…
Going Full Circle
Going Full Circle A popular theory amongst certain scientists is that time is not linear, it is cyclical. Try and get your head around this: the future has already happened and the past is yet…
Chasing Butterflies
Chasing Butterflies Like a curious child full of hope and desire, I’m chasing butterflies. I’ve thought about it so much that I feel that I’ve spent my entire life obsessing over it. I’ve had it,…
What is a Digital Nomad
What is a Digital Nomad And how to find them… What is a digital nomad? It’s people like me who work online and digitally and quite often don’t have offices. That doesn’t mean we’re homeless…
We Seem to be Angry all the Time
We Seem to be Angry all the Time Road rage The information superhighway gets me what I want and fast. But what frustrates the hell out of me is how real life highways are incredibly…
Monique’s a Shining Light and Star so Bright
Monique’s a Shining Light and Star so Bright The star of my first book is gravely ill The news is grim. In early February of 2017, Kelly-Ann, also known as Monique, couldn’t shake a cough…
Why WE Should Be Ashamed of Ourselves
Why WE Should Be Ashamed of Ourselves Because we created a world filled with terror. We created ISIS. When the US led NATO went in and destabilized the Middle East, we left millions of people…
Is Cannabis Oil a Cancer Cure or Hype?
Is Cannabis Oil a Cancer Cure or Hype? When a loved one’s life hangs in the balance, we want any cancer cure Because you, or someone you know has cancer or you’ve simply heard the…
Think Like a Millennial or Risk Being in the Dark
Think Like a Millennial Because things are done faster, smarter…or not done at all. What is a Millennial generation anyway? Why is it so important for so many people to understand the importance to think…
Hollywood Romance Books
Hollywood Romance Books I did it. I wrote and published my first Hollywood Romance Novel. Phew. Imagine if you were thrown into the spotlight at just 16. How would you cope? What would change in…
Writing about Sex Rape and Drugs
Writing about Sex Rape and Drugs Imagine that YOU are my next book I’m a perverted, disgusting, filthy-minded man who writes about topics which nearly always feature sex rape and drugs. But not just normal,…
Being Original When Being Genuine is Better
Being Original Can’t be original? Be genuine instead. Being original is almost…dare I say it, impossible. It’s all been done before. The art of originality has been lost, convoluted, diluted, shaken and stirred – then…
Must Read and Best Books for 2017
Best Books Where are those hidden gems? My best books. Nothing beats curling up with a hot drink (or a strong vino) in your favorite reading spot, reading the best books. A book will take…
Pop Singers
Pop Singers Glitz, Glamor and Candy for your Ears Teenagers are sexually growing beings who obsess over something that gives them escapism. Some people love to read, others get lost in a movie or a…
Is Bromance Gay?
Is Bromance Gay? No smart person could question… is bromance gay? Especially if they understood what Bromance is. A bromance is a close relationship between two guys that isn’t sexual in nature and usually very intense. In…
Remaining Positive in Difficult Times
Remaining Positive in Difficult Times And avoiding the shitstorm that life often throws at us Lesson number 1, don’t talk politics with others, even friends and family. We all have an opinion and are entitled…
Reality is a Distortion Created by Hollywood
Reality is a Distortion Created by Hollywood But is that a good thing or a bad thing? Aliens with acid for blood managed to wipe out an entire ship, while Darth Vader went over to…
The Magician
The Magician Trump’s Sleight of Hand The world is in awe of the greatest magician history has ever seen. Donald Trump’s sleight of hand is unbeatable. He is, without question, the magician of the century…
Should Parenting Require a License?
Should Parenting Require a License? Child abuse, drug abuse – who decides whether parenting require a license? It’s none of your business whether or not your neighbor’s are bad parents. Or is it? What if…
Accidentally Entering Cougar Town – Turn Back Now!
Meanwhile in Cougar Town Accidentally Cougar Town Liesel had a hangover, but still she made it to work, even if the bags under her eyes were big enough for a grocery shop and the bottom…
How to Broach a Difficult Subject and Risk Losing Someone
How to Broach a Difficult Subject Are You Being a Friend or a Foe? It’s incredibly difficult isn’t it? Telling someone something that they probably don’t want to hear. But if you don’t tell them,…
Is Trump Going to Cause WW3?
Is Trump Going to Cause WW3? The answer is scary As I’ve been writing The Peace Ambassador, I researched top reasons why we’d experience an apocalypse. In my first apocalyptic book – Mr 303, I…
Visit Your Home Town
Visit Your Home Town When Memories Are Better Than The Visit We grow as people; some of us more than others. When you leave a place and move on, you expect to return to some…
Reviews and How to Get FREE Stuff
Reviews The New Customer Service Satisfaction Proof and How to get Free Stuff Once upon a time, before the intenet, businesses received letters from satisfied customers letting them know that their product or service was…
Humans in the Future
Humans in the Future The Exciting Prospects Have you ever thought of humans in the future and wondered what our great grandchildren will be like? Ever wondered if we will have colonised Mars and have…
Books About Life Lessons
Books About Life Lessons The Tough Stuff That’s Hard to Read If you’d asked me a year ago whether I’d be writing full-time on books about life lessons, I would have laughed. Then life got…
The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Dog
The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Dog There are too many holes for this to be true The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Dog. But was the dog lazy? Or is…
Latest Gay Book – The Life of Q Continues
Latest Gay Book The Life of Q This latest gay book – not because I write gay books exclusively, but because I started on the theme and have to finish what I started – is…
Age is Just a Number
Age Is Just A Number And numbers can be inconsequential I talked to a 20 year old recently about the idea of a world without money this week, because I’m compiling information for a new…
Meaningless Sex Is No Longer Meaningful
Meaningless Sex Is No Longer Meaningful Sex that becomes meaningless, when it started off with the sole purpose of being meaningless Most guys think about sex a lot; it’s quite natural. Me? I write about…
Living Without Money
Living Without Money Can We Do It? I often fantasize about a world without money. This fantasy can get a little utopian… there’s a certain medieval feel to it and I imagine people doing things…
Toxic Friendships and Why We Tolerate Them
Toxic Friendships No matter how long you’ve known some people, you’re going to realise one day that they might have changed. Most of the time that’s a good thing; growth is good for all of…
The Peace Ambassador
The Peace Ambassador A Story About Resolving Terrorism I had a dream…and throughout the night, I kept coming back to a story I created that was so real to me, that I woke up in…
Dealing With a Break Up
Dealing With a Break Up Break Ups Suck – And Other Unhelpful Advice When Dealng With a Break Up “I’m really fine! I’m feeling great, positive and optimistic; I have so much else to look…