Well… yeah. Hello. It’s been, ahem… awhile. I’ve missed the writing process and I’ve missed you. I’m headlong into a new book. But, to be honest, I did take a break for a long time….
Posts Published by Fox
The History of Glory Holes
Where Did Glory Holes Come From? Who Invented Them? What Is the History of Glory Holes? Nobody knows exactly where the world’s first glory hole appeared, but let’s be honest, it probably happened as soon…
Stimulation: The Dance of Minds and Bodies
We often toss around the word ‘stimulation’ like it’s a coin we’ve found in our pocket, familiar yet rarely given much thought. But what if I told you that true stimulation is an art form,…
Exciting News: “Nius” Releases on October 27th!
Hello again, my wonderful readers! I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that Nius, a project that’s been so close to my heart, is ready to see the light of day on the 27th of October. This…
Nius – My New Book
Hi all, and apologies for the absense. It’s been a busy time with much going on. I’ve been head down and bum up, and unfortunately not in the way you’d hope. But.. I have some…
Life’s Manual
Don’t take it personally, everyone’s a cunt. Face the truth before you go any further, and stop walking around thinking you’re awesome, because you’re not. You’re a cunt, your neighbour’s a cunt, your entire family?…
Slutty Stories
So, I’m a bit confused. Does Slut suck or should I continue? The feedback from my regular readers, beta’s and editors was good. But in the real world, on Amazon for example, it doesn’t look…
An Alien’s Guide to Earth
An Alien’s Guide to Earth Ask yourself this: if alien’s appeared in your home right now and tilted their skinny, grey heads and asked you to tell them about your home world, what would you…
Interview With a Dale
The Adam Norty book’s called Slut, but our cover model Dale is anything but. We took him to the English countryside, introduced him to some of the locals, and asked Dale Michalowski some tough questions….
The Hole in the Door
“Just because we don’t like our history, doesn’t mean we can erase it.”
This blog is about The Hole in the Door, a book about Glory Holes.
Dis Ease of a World at Conflict
Two black girls were stabbed in a park in London, in June 2020, and two Policemen took selfies with the bodies. What happened to the cops, and the imperceptible effort to find the killer, sparked…
Covid Over in 6 Weeks or Several Decades
I’m too stupid to be ruler of any land, because I have these ridiculous ideas that just won’t get out of my head. They involve either having covid over in 6 weeks or several decades….
10 Things That Would Top off 2020 Like Arsenic Icing
10 Things That Would Top off 2020 Like Arsenic Icing. Like E.T.’s call finally gets answered.
Beta Readers Needed
Hi readers, I’m in need beta readers for a couple of short books. Both are MM/Romance/Erotic short stories. If you have my email, please email me, otherwise you can message me here (under this post)…
Beta Readers
Beta readers are the unsung heroes of our times. No author should publish a book without them.
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate?
That is the question I’m like a pendulum, going back and forth, considering my options. I’ve never been an ‘anti-vaxxer’ though as a curious human, I’ve questioned the plight, and there’s valid fears there (sometimes),…
Who is Adam Norty?
Adam Norty is…well…he’s quite norty. In a recent post, I told you that I had almost cheated on you, and that I’d almost decided to publish The Hole in the Door under that pen name….
The Truth is a Lie
Ask yourself this; who can you trust right now? Who in your life do you know without a shadow of a doubt, is telling you the truth? Would you know if the truth is a…
My Coronavirus Diary
The email I received on Sunday night from the NHS confirmed what I already knew; I have coronavirus. Unlike the millions who came before me, I don’t have the same symptoms. Is the virus getting…
Why You Are A Coward
How to find and address your inner coward Most of us have seen the Matrix and most of us have said that we’d choose the red pill and become the resistance to a machine or…
Finally the Vaccine
Finally the vaccine has arrived because we are the virus.
Living in Domes
It’s time for change I’m going to tell you a secret. During the three or so years I was writing the newly released The Peace Ambassador, I began to realise that some things didn’t add…
The Lie of an Era
As a child, I was impressed by the height of the pyramids and the mind-bending thoughts on the man hours required for such a construction. In 2020, I’m equally astounded at the even more impressive…
Fuck I Hate Linda
Ellie disliked Linda immensely. Apparently, over Christmas dinner, Ellie made a big deal of her intolerance for a number of staple foods. “This stupid woman never once thought to make sure that her host, ie……
Surviving the Apocalypse
Instructions for surviving the Apocalypse – book one Let me introduce you to the apocalypse. Back in 2019, I told you that I thought the Apocalypse was coming. And again here and here. Then there’s…
Coronavirus Conspiracy
The Coronavirus Conspiracy…fact or alarmist fiction? China claims that 2,500 people have died from the virus but there are indicators that this isn’t true. Leaked comments online suggest that crematoriums are working around the clock…
Leaking Snippets
The Peace Ambassador “Dear, dear Andrea. You’ve got such a temper on you. Think that life is about balance; fair and unfair, death and life, Yin and Yang? Just and unjust? Really believe that suffering…
Dystopian Novels
Dystopian books by Fox Emerson, not just a plug on the new book The Peace Ambassador, but also a homage to the genre of dystopia
A New Dystopian Apocalyptic Tale
If you’re reading this, then I am dead. I died while writing my new dystopian apocalyptic tale. For nearly three years, I’ve written, edited, re-written, agonized over, edited, re-wrote, restarted, soul searched and finally, finished…
The Apocalypse is Coming
Newsflash: There’s no immediate apocalypse coming today – that I can foretell at least, but stay tuned, every country around the world is trying desperately to bring one in; including England. So, the apocalypse is…
An Hour of Your Time Pt 3
Continued from Pt 2… “This is yours, Ollie,” she said, then used her pass to unlock the door on the side panel. An audible click was heard, followed by a whoosh as the doors swiftly…
Look at me, I’m Ridiculously Tragic
This week, I’ve thought about time travel and inter-dimensional space and time, only because I’ve wanted to put my hand through it, reach into the past, and fucking slap the goddamn shit out of my…
Can Bromance be Mistaken for Romance?
He’s hot, right? You really like him and you think he likes you in the same way. I mean, after all, he’s obviously showing you all the signs you want to see and are happy…
Really, Go Fuck Yourself
I know you said you couldn’t commit to anything more, and I’m so chill – I’m so like, I don’t care, I’m really busy anyway; I have friends and a career and stuff to do,…
What’s it Like Being Bisexual?
What’s it like being bisexual? Thoughts from some of the oft forgotten minority group. Man, it really sucks for bisexuals. Always being accused of being halfway towards either straight or gay but rarely being accepted…
Coping With Angry Parents
God is deaf, blind, dispassionate and cold-hearted. In fact, I’m going to declare that he has no heart. He or she sits there, on those fluffy clouds watching angels throw broken harp strings at each…
God’s Waiting Room
God’s waiting room doesn’t just have accessible – but private beaches with turquoise coloured water where you might see the occasional walker, smiling – content within the moment. It also has a nightlife for those…
Scaredy Cat
Every time I try and convince one of my friends that I’m not a Scaredy Cat, they either laugh, smile awkwardly or look at me as though I’m something that they stepped in. Exhibit A…
What Does Pride Mean?
What Does Pride Mean? What does pride mean? Let’s be honest, we all know that Pride is associated with the LGBTQIAFRSMTUVZ community and that somewhere in the feathery Village People days, they had a point…
A Song for Adele
A Song for Adele Ever wake up in the middle of the night and have a full song ready to write down even though you’ve never written a song before, have no idea how they’re…
Is the Glass Half Full?
Is the Glass Half Full? Is the glass half full? Who cares, this post has nothing to do with glasses being full or otherwise. It’s about the global conspiracy that is your health. Think Big…
What Does Abundance Mean
What Does Abundance Mean? I’m not about to get all spiritual on your ass with this ‘What Does Abundance Mean’ bs but…I’ve had some interesting and not so fun moments the past few weeks. These…
Why You Shouldn’t Write a Book
Why You Shouldn’t Write a Book Why you shouldn’t write a book is because it won’t sell. Not unless you’re already really famous and one of the Kardashians. In fact, if you’re related to one…